Herzlich willkommen bei VS Kraus

Ihr Dienstleister für effizienten und zuverlässigen Vertrieb


Welcome to VS Kraus!

We are a committed team of sales experts with many years of experience in domestic and international sales.

We have extensive knowledge of markets, products, languages and cultures.

We represent foreign companies in the German market and in the European neighbourhood.

For businesses we offer:
- opening of markets with extensive services in the area of sales and marketing
- development of individual sales strategies – adapted to the manufacturing businesses
- Acquisition of new customers
- Support of product development and product changes
- Sales work (field and office)

For customers we offer:
- Access to foreign businesses
- Direct supply from the businesses to the customer – without language barriers
- Representation of customers’ interests with the businesses

Our current customers include:
Fitters for professional kitchens and food distributors
Hotel suppliers
C+C markets